Bowen Therapist ECBS

Heather Downs

Bowen therapy, is a form of bodywork.

It involves gently stretching the fascia — the soft tissue that covers all your muscles and organs — to promote pain relief.

Specifically, this form of therapy uses precise and gentle, rolling hand movements.


A Few Words About Me

Mission Statement

 “To work with the client to facilitate the establishment of Health, Well Being and Positivity ”



Welcome to the online ‘home’ of Heather Downs, Health Practitioner M.Sc; BA(hons); ECBS (European College of Bowen Studies)  ZSK (Zen Shin Katsu), and Reiki Master.

Heather has worked in the health industry since 2004 providing a range of therapies alongside Taiji for Well Being Classes, (3rd Degree Sash).  With a professional background in Corporate Information Systems Analysis, and Tutoring in Further and Higher Education establishments, her final chosen career path followed, working with healing systems for individuals and corporate clients


Over the last 20 years Heather has run successful clinics in East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Whilst living in Lincolnshire Heather ran her private clinic whilst partnering with a Boston Chiropractic clinic. The none invasive Bowen Technique and Zen Shin Katsu was found to be extremely beneficial for their regular clients.

Corporate Working partners have included: MIND; Age Concern with Boston Open Prison for over 50s; Tanglewood Care Homes in Alford and Horncastle; Leisure Centres in Lincolnshire; Linkage College of Further Education Lincolnshire.

Heather returned to East Yorkshire, in 2013, establishing her practice for individual and new corporate clients including: working as a Voluntary Health Champion and accepting NHS Surgery Taiji referrals (Bridlington East Yorkshire) and Hornsea County Primary School.

Heather’s Taiji School, which teaches Shaolin short forms for health and well being has been established for over sixteen years, as well as instructing Sun Style 97 Traditional long form for eight years .  This has resulted in meeting and teaching many hundreds of students from all walks of life and abilities. 

Taiji and Eastern healing systems (ZSK), formed the core of Heather’s health, well being and practitioner journey. Exploration of other bodywork systems led to studying and training in The Bowen Technique and graduating as a Bowen Practitioner in 2011.

Bowen Treatment

Clients remain fully dressed for treatment, please wear light clothing and socks if you wish.  No oils are applied.  Bowen moves are sequenced in set patterns.  Releasing tensions, whilst identifying areas of connective tissue distress as the gentle process unfolds.  Short breaks of one or two minutes are integral to the Bowen Technique.  These pauses allow your bodies fascia (connective tissues) to balance and release underlying muscles and ligaments.  You may ask any questions during the session, if you experience any discomfort during the session, please let your practitioner know.  Bowen is a whole body treatment and makes no claims to ‘fix’ conditions, but is shown to be therapeutically beneficial as evidenced by client testimonials.

Zen Shin Katsu Treatment

Clients remain fully dressed, (please wear light clothing).  Acupressure moves are applied to realign meridian energy lines whilst simultaneously releasing negative pathogens in the body.  Gentle stretching techniques may be applied to ease skeletal tension.  You may feel much taller after this therapy !

Neck and Shoulder Treatment

For stubborn neck and shoulder muscular discomfort and knots!  Using a professional massage appliance this twenty minutes treatment aims to release upper back, neck and shoulder tensions.  You will remain seated throughout whilst wearing light clothing.

A  towel will be draped over your shoulders to protect clothing.  No oils are used.

Take A Moment For Yourself ​-- Bowen Therapy

Let Me Help Release The Stress And Tension

Bowen therapy, or the Bowen technique, is a non-invasive, complementary therapy. It targets certain points on the body with gentle rolling movements to help it balance, repair and reset itself.


What My Clients Say

"Heather has a huge range of skills and techniques in her tool box which she puts to good use in getting the best outcome for her clients."

Janet and Steph Huddersfield

"After the first hour session with Heather I got off the treatment bed feeling more mobile, relaxed and fresh.

The following weeks after a once a week treatment my gut motility was vastly improved, my sleep patterns improved, I felt allot healthier, my appetite increased, pain levels decreased and best of all my mobility improved."

Jon G
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Book Your Bowen Therpay Session

Bowen therapy, or the Bowen technique, is a non-invasive, complementary therapy. It targets certain points on the body with gentle rolling movements to help it balance, repair and reset itself.

07765 473902